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The Despicable Me

I have an idea that I haven’t fully fleshed out yet. Writing and processing with someone else both help me in that process though, so here goes…I realize that “authenticity” is a sort of buzzword nowadays, but it seems to me that there are huge limitations in what “authenticity” is encouraged and what is squashed down in most circles. As long as whatever negative thing you are saying about yourself is not criminal or terribly perverse, then people often applaud others for “opening up” about themselves. There are times when the effect reminds me a lot of the reason why people loved “freak shows” and why many rubber neck for car wrecks. Other times, it seems to me people feel either validated or comforted by their own superiority in hearing about someone else’s negative life situation or character traits. (I am not trying to discourage anyone from sharing. I think there can be some beautiful things that come out of being open about your brokenness too. I've even blogged about that b
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Why I Wanted to Abandon Christianity

It's been a while since I've blogged. In that time, I have struggled with a couple autoimmune diseases, moved twice, grieved with my husband over the loss of his father, and wanted to bail on my faith. It wasn't my physical pain, the stress over big life changes, or the loss of a family member that rocked my faith though. It was the words of my fellow believers. The last election cycle brought surprises for many. What surprised me were the words of my fellow believers. I saw people I had gone to church with whitewashing sin to justify their political choices. I saw people held up as leaders of the faith suddenly supporting stances that seemed to say "The end justifies the means." I saw people who posted memes about God's love also posting comments that ridiculed those who were afraid. Frankly, I wanted nothing to do with any of that. My heart was shattered. My mind was racing. How could I call these people my brothers and sisters in Christ? I didn't wa

Reflecting upon 13 years of marriage...

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Seeing Papa God with New Eyes

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The Year from H-E-double-hockey-sticks

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In the Pain

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Money CAN be a blessing from God!

I was talking to a friend the other day who was about to start homeschooling her children. In the course of this conversation, she said, "I know I'm not supposed to call it a 'blessing,' but I don't know how else to say it. I feel blessed that we have a 3rd paycheck this month just in time to help buy things we'll need to start homeschooling." Now, I'm not positive that  this blog post  is what my friend was referring to when she said she knew she wasn't supposed to call a paycheck a blessing, but it's what I immediately recalled. It's a popular blog post that I've seen on my Facebook feed several times. I've seen it posted by compassionate, thoughtful Christian friends, so I've read it several times now as it has come up in my feed. I may have even "liked" it at some point as I felt it pushed against the prosperity gospel, which I believe is an incredibly destructive teaching. However, it has sat less and less well